The father at Maylie’s house: My son came out to me.

The father at Maylie’s house: My son came out to me.


I remember this afternoon well. It was a celebration for a Jean Courtney’s graduation from her social worker’s program. She had her certification, and finally after many years, had discovered a way to make a living. She was already working on team at Kaiser and had a steady incomer. Her many friends, mostly the Marin aging hippies and new age types had gathered for a lovely afternoon at Maylie Scott’s house on Ashby Avenue where we lived together.

I introduced myself to a very nice man, about my age or perhaps a bit older. He had a company that designed houses with lots of prefab pieces that opened home ownership to new lower income group. He worked from home, with his family. They lived up in Camp Meeker near Saint Dorothy’s Rest where the zen group did extended retreats.

His son had am older lover

He said that this was a moment when he knew what he said would shape the future with his son

Geo SeeberL: his dentist told him that his son came out to him, No books, no advice

His son had am older lover

He said that this was a moment when he knew what he said would shape the future with his son

Geo SeeberL: his dentist told him that his son came out to him, No books, no advice


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